Case Study: The ideal regulatory specialist for a global pharma company

The situation
When an international pharmaceutical company required an interim Senior Regulatory Consultant to work on an RIM project, the hiring manager was referred to Hobson Prior by a colleague who had previously worked with us.
Our actions
The hiring manager had been searching for the right candidate for over a month, but with no success. Indeed, the requirements of the role were challenging – the candidate needed experience in a very specific document management system and project management tool. Yet, within a week, we successfully tracked down a UK-based Associate Director of Regulatory with two years’ experience in both. We were able to achieve this thanks to our extensive networks; our Regulatory Affairs consultant had conferred with a number of industry contacts to gain leads, resulting in a referral to our candidate. Furthermore, thanks to our long-standing relationship with the referee, we knew we could rely on their recommendation.
We contacted the candidate to discuss the role in detail, and conducted a thorough screening over the phone to ensure that he not only had the right experience, but was also the right cultural fit for our client. Once we were satisfied that the individual would impress, we submitted his details and arranged a phone interview with the hiring manager.
The result
The client was delighted with our candidate, and thanks to our thorough screening, they were confident enough to offer him the job after just a 45-minute call. Our support didn’t stop there though: we provided the successful candidate with advice on starting the role and commuting, hired a management company to ensure tax compliance, and touched base with both candidate and client frequently to ensure a smooth transition.
Having impressed the client with our resourcefulness and efficiency, we’ve gone on to place five more interim regulatory consultants with them in the same year.
Hobson Prior Interim Recruitment
Our interim solutions are customised to ensure we provide you with fast delivery and high-quality candidates. You’ll also benefit from additional services to ensure efficient turnaround.
- Local candidate pools
- Same day search
- International contractor support
- Pre-assessed submissions
- Full compliance and support
Click here for more information about interim recruitment.
Click here for more information about pharmaceutical recruitment services.